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Over the weekend, we learned of the death by a stroke of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said. The Sultan, who was the longest serving ruler in the Arab World, is credited for setting the course in the 1970s that made Oman the most stable country in the Middle East. He was one of the biggest watch collectors and watch-givers in the entire world. His watches, including vintage Omega Replica Watches, Patek Philippe, and IWC are among the most sought after in watch collecting circles.

Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said, born in 1940, attended the Sandhurst Military Academy at age 20. Tim Landon was a friend for life at Sandhurst. He would later prove to be a powerful ally during the 1970 coup, which saw Qaboos remove his father who had been ruling Muscat and Oman from 1932. Qaboos's father,Omega Replica Watches Sultan Said bin Taimur had neglected many aspects in the internal development of the country and allowed a revolution group to become powerful force in this region. The British sent SAS soldiers to support Qaboos, even though Sultan Said bin Taimur maintained close ties with the UK. Tim Landon and the SAS also supported Qaboos's takeover of the palace.

The new Sultan used the oil wealth in Oman to improve the infrastructure of the country. The new Sultan changed the name of the country to 'Sultanate of Oman,' replacing the old "Muscat and Oman". He also replaced the white flag of the country with a red-white-green flag that featured the new national symbol, the Khanjar. The emblem consisted of a Khanjar dagger sheathed on top of crossed swords. This iconic emblem has been printed and engraved onto the casebacks and dials of many watches given by the Sultan in the last five decades. We have gathered some of the most notable and interesting watches that were released over the past five decades.

I mentioned briefly earlier the rebels who were causing concern to Oman. The Marxist group, 'People's Democratic Republic of Yemen' was based in Dhofar. They eventually numbered about 15,000 men. It is remarkable that the rebels were defeated by an 80-strong SAS battalion based in Oman with local Omanis' support. The Battle of Mirbat was fought in July 1972 by nine SAS soldiers. Daniel Bourn is one of the foremost experts in the world on Omega Replica Watches watches from this period. In the Gulf, it is customary to give gifts - usually watches - as a way of showing appreciation, recognition, or respect. Normaly, British troops in active service are not allowed to accept gifts of this nature. In the case of Oman, circa 1970-76, the restrictions were not applicable. The SAS was never on active duty but they were in Oman as part of the British Army Training Team, according to official documents of the time. The watches that were awarded to soldiers who participated in this battle are reference 1665 Seadwellers.Richard Mille Replica The text on the dial of watches from the "Double Red" era was replaced by a red or golden Khanjar, or sometimes Qaboos's signature. After a thorough study of serial numbers I think that about 80-90 watches were made in a batch with sequential serial numbers starting at serial 3566.9xx and ending 3567.0xx. About 30% of the estimated 80-90 watches are known. This approximate number is supported by the fact that the SAS soldiers serving in Oman between 1970-1976 were reported in the 80s. Therefore, it is assumed that each SAS soldier was given a RED Oman Sea Dweller as a token of appreciation for their service. The colour Red used for the Khanjar/Qaboos signatures on the dials also relates to the new Oman flag of this period."